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Visiting Professor in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry at the University of Chieti (Italy), Visiting Professor in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry at the De La Mediterranee University of Marseille (France), and at the Andres Bello Vinã del Mar University (Chile) from 35 Years he carries out research on composite materials in Italy and Germany, where in 1995 he developed the Enamel Plus HFO composite system.

He is an active member of the Italian Academy of Conservation and of the Italian Society of Conservative Dentistry.

He is the author of numerous scientific publications, coauthor of the manual-atlas “New Aesthetic Concepts in the use of composite materials” published in 1995 by “Amici di Brugg”, coauthor of the manual-atlas “The conservative restoration of posterior teeth 2” published in 2000 from the “Amici di Brugg” and author of the two-volume treatise “The conservative restoration of the anterior teeth” published by Acme Viterbo in 2003, of the Multimedia Integrated System “Direct restorations in composite in the anterior teeth” of UTET, co-author of the treaty ” Aesthetics, Function and Posture “of 2018” published by Acme and chapters in various books on conservative and traumatology in Italy and abroad. Speaker at internationally renowned congresses, he has held advanced courses in reconstructive dentistry at numerous universities in Europe, the United States, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Israel and China. He practices freelance in Chiasso (Switzerland), dedicating himself in particular to conservative, prosthetics and posturology.

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