Welcome to the MALO CLINIC Referrals Membership Program!

What is the MALO CLINIC Referrals Membership Program?

As experts in the fixed rehabilitation of edentulous patients, patients from all over the world are referred to the MALO CLINIC on a regular basis; the majority of these patients are cases with extremely limited bone volume. That is why we created the MALO CLINIC Membership Program.

The main purpose of this service is to assist referral Doctors in the rehabilitation of those cases which require a different surgical or prosthetic approach or involve a higher surgical expertise.

Who refers to MALO CLINIC?

Referral Doctors are international and national dentists with whom we share a common objective: treat our patients with the highest level of quality in order to guarantee success. Together we are a team!

What is needed to refer a case?

We need you to send us the following exams of your patient(s):

  • Orthopantomography (strictly necessary)
  • Dental CT Scan (strictly necessary)
  • Picture of full smile without denture (can be performed at  MALO CLINIC Lisbon)

This data can be sent by email to: referrals@maloclinics.com
or by post to:

Referrals Department
Avenida dos Combatentes, 43 – Piso 11
1600-042 Lisboa, Portugal

After we’ve received your patient’s exams we will send you our treatment plan proposal and estimated cost. Please be advised that costs may change due to the surgery difficulty level.