Aligners for all – Archform Master250.00€ – 1,000.00€
ALL-ON-4® | Digital Workflow85.00€
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All-on-4® Behandlungskonzept KlinischerKursin der Malo Clinic562.50€ – 2,250.00€
Das klinische Team der MALO CLINIC zeigt Ihnen in diesem 2-tägigen Kurs,
wie Sie zahnlose Patienten mit einer begrenzten Anzahl von Implantaten
versorgen können, um eine sofortige Funktion und eine hervorragende
Ästhetik… -
All-on-4® Concept: Surgery and Full Arch Rehabilitation687.50€ – 2,750.00€
Course Overview Re-thinking oral rehabilitation Patient selection and treatment planning Comprehensive Overview of the All-on-4 Surgical Protocol High Skilled All-on-4 Standard Cases – Best Approaches Implant Designs & Selection…
All-on-4® Surgical Protocol: From Analog to Digital1,875.00€ – 7,500.00€
Course Overview Re-thinking oral rehabilitation – from analogical to digital Patient selection and treatment planning The esthetic possibilities of the All-on-4® surgical protocol – Prosthetic Rehabilitation Implant Maintenance Lab…
Cadaver Course | AO4 Surgical Protocol – from Standard to Zygoma Cases2,225.00€ – 8,900.00€
Course Overview Re-thinking oral rehabilitation Patient selection and treatment planning – from Standard to Extra-Maxilla Cases How to manage possible Zygoma cases complications The esthetic possibilities of All-on-4® Protocol…
Endodontic Microsurgery562.50€ – 2,250.00€
This 15-attendee program aims to help specialists improve their abilities regarding endodontic microsurgery. The course must be carried out at an appropriate location that facilities the preclinical practice process,…
High Skilled All-on-4® Surgical Protocol: Standard and Zygomatic cases1,375.00€ – 5,500.00€
Course Overview Re-thinking oral rehabilitation – Solutions for Rehabilitating Atrophic Maxilla Cases (High Skilled & Zygoma Cases) Patient selection and treatment planning – Indication for Zygomatic Implants & Pre-operatory…
• Implantology- General Notions • 1st phase Implant Maintenance protocol (Osseointegration period) • 2nd phase Implant Maintenance protocol (Long term Maintenance) • Clinical Epidemiology • Peri-implant pathology • Zygoma…
In-depth Zygoma Clinical Program1,750.00€ – 7,000.00€
Course Overview Re-thinking oral rehabilitation – Solutions for Rehabilitating Atrophic Maxilla Cases (High Skilled & Zygoma) Patient selection and treatment planning – Indication for Zygomatic Implants & Pre-operatory Patient…
Perio -Sergio Kahn337.50€ – 1,350.00€
This course has been developed based on the ‘nightmares’ in Periodontology and Implantology. Along more than 30 years of clinical periodontology practice and over 20 years of periodontal plastic…
Preps Master, Adhesión Optimizada desde la Preparación448.75€ – 1,795.00€
Curso teórico y práctico muy intensivo de 3 días sobre aislamiento absoluto, adhesión y restauraciones directas.
Reabilitação e Terapia Pulpar em Odontopediatria197.50€ – 790.00€
Reabilitação Oral – André Kimura662.50€ – 2,650.00€
Este é um curso completo de Reabilitação Oral Estética com Cerâmicas e Resinas Compostas (dentes anteriores e posteriores). Serão 5 dias intensos teórico-práticos, onde será abordado desde o diagnóstico…
Resinas compostas | Dr. RONALDO HIRATA315.00€ – 1,260.00€
Este é um curso intensivo de resinas compostas anteriores e posteriores com muito hands-on e cheio de dicas práticas para o teu dia-a-dia clínico!
Sedação Mínima Inalatória142.50€ – 570.00€
Este curso está direcionado para o profissional que deseja introduzir de forma simples a sedação consciente com protóxido de azoto e oxigénio na sua prática clínica diária. Ao longo…